Logotipo Sulplast - Termoplástico, fibra de vidro e rotomoldagem

  Phone: +55 (19) 3535-6550
  E-mail: sulplast@sulplast.com.br
  Av. Sulplast, 1969 - Distrito Industrial - Rio Claro/SP - Brazil - 13505-680 - Webmail

Technologies and processes


Sulplast has an extremely efficient painting system, which meets the strict quality standards required by the main automakers in the world, which includes specially acquired know-how to supply parts with Class A surface quality.

In our factory structure, with more than 1,000 m² dedicated to this process, we have properly insulated chambers for painting, flash-off and kilning of the parts, in addition to the most modern equipment to control aspects such as brightness (gloss meter) and color (spectrophotometer).

The Class A Painting process starts with sanding, followed by the application of a primer, correction of possible imperfections on the surface and application of paint.

Diagramação - Processo de pintura classe A

Always considering full compliance with the standards provided by its customers, Sulplast’s Class A Painting allows perfect finishing for all types of parts, even on items that demand extremely detailed appearance criteria, ensuring full adherence of the parts in terms of color matching and harmony color.