Logotipo Sulplast - Termoplástico, fibra de vidro e rotomoldagem

  Phone: +55 (19) 3535-6550
  E-mail: sulplast@sulplast.com.br
  Av. Sulplast, 1969 - Distrito Industrial - Rio Claro/SP - Brazil - 13505-680 - Webmail

Quality and Environment Policy

Quality and Environment Policy

We are an organization focused on the manufacture of technical parts in Fiberglass and Thermoplastics, that works committed to Quality, Effectiveness, Respect for our Customers, Suppliers, Employees, Environment and we are committed to:

  • Attend and satisfy customers, offering products that comply with their needs, specifications, legal requirements, among others;
  • Integrate quality and environmental issues with the company's activities, practices and routines, adding value to the business and to the Integrated Management System;
  • Identify, monitor, evaluate and manage environmental and quality risks that impact the business, implementing strategies that promotes the continuous improvement of its objectives and performance;
  • Prevent pollution and promote environmental education, using natural resources rationally, properly disposing of waste and minimizing environmental impacts;
  • Encourage and develop human resources, so that they can act responsibly in relation to Quality and Environment.

Ensuring quality and preserving the environment is everyone’s duty.